Positive Press Business Consulting
Positive Press Business Consulting 

New Business Acquisition

So you have a product or service which you want to take to market, you have a good idea who will want to buy it but you've not yet decided how you will let your potential clients know about its availaibility.....


Advertising & Marketing

With an unlimited budget you can of course use every medium available and we could see your company adverts on national TV and on billbooards in the most prominent of positions; with a limited budget however it might be more a case of making your money go as far as it can and you therefore need to know where to achieve the best results in the smallest amount of time.


Planning & Testing

As well as having a good knowledge of all routes to market and the kind of costs which could be associated with each, I can assist with  planning and even make some initial calls to targeted prospects to gauge the strength of your proposition.


Sales & Sales training

New business acquisition and sales training have been prominent features in my 20 year corporate history and I therefore feel confident in approaching potential clients upon your behalf or aiding your existing sales staff hone their own skills and maximise their selling time.


Tenders & Presentations

Putting together presentations or compiling tender submissions can be time consuming and understandibly smaller companies simply don't have the resources to do this whilst carrying on with day-to-day business activities. With a good understanding of the procurement process and a good knowledge of the expectations within the competitive bidding world I can provide as much or as little input as your business needs to make sure that you make a good representation of your company when it counts.





Pam Marr


07599 176217




A very common problem for directors of small businesses is a lengthy 'to do' list

The main issue facing most business owners is the conflict between what they WANT to be doing and what they NEED to be doing. With required tasks overtaking desired activities by quite a stretch, a happy business owner is sadly becoming a thing of the past!

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