Positive Press Business Consulting
Positive Press Business Consulting 

The Positive Press offering

There's no standard package to tell you about, mainly because every client's need is particular to their business and their circumstances and so, therefore, is my involvement.


Instead, within this section I have given a flavour of just some of the services I can offer as we start to work together.


It is always best to begin with a meeting, which is of course free-of-charge and comes with no obligation whatsoever.


There's no such thing as a bad idea, sometimes good ideas are just under-developed...

As a business owner or main decision maker you may find yourself having sleepless nights as you mull over new ideas you've had to kick start a project or resolve a current issue. Great plans made in the early hours often sound a little less plausable in the cold light of day and unfortunately are more easily abandoned than explored. The best thing about having a 'go to' person who is independent from your organisation is that you have an opportunity to voice your ideas and hopefully also enhance them, utilising experience gained from a cross-section of businessses rather than being limited to the traditional standards (or maybe even constraints) within your own industry.


Delegate time consuming tasks 

  • Website content
  • Promotional articles
  • Marketing literature
  • Accreditation applications
  • Office re-organisation
  • Operation manuals
  • Customer feedback




Pam Marr


07599 176217




A very common problem for directors of small businesses is a lengthy 'to do' list

The main issue facing most business owners is the conflict between what they WANT to be doing and what they NEED to be doing. With required tasks overtaking desired activities by quite a stretch, a happy business owner is sadly becoming a thing of the past!

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